To be anti Islam, a person can be seen as islamophobic. Anti gay, homophonic. Can be called chauvinist as anti women, etc etc, but what have atheists got to use to protect us, when people are prejudiced or anti atheist? I realize that atheism is not a thing, it is a pack of a thing, but in many countries, denying the existance of a god can get you in serious trouble and in the US, I believe atheists are seen as highly untrustworthy in opinion polls, we don’t have lobby groups either. Anyway I’m typing on my phone so this will look a mess but I just wanted other people’s thoughts on this
Can’t say I’ve heard of such a term … seems it would acknowledge a victim of sorts ..if society has evolved to the point of viewing atheists as victims. So, are we looking for one..?
‘Atheist deniers’? ‘Godists’? ‘Religionists’? I’ve heard it said ‘we’re the last minority,’ so it’s likely time those who oppress us receive a label
Given no good accurate terms, I might resort to snarky comments. "Just spreading the love of Jesus, aren't You?" Is one example. "Hateful Wingnut zealot warrior" is another.
Per wikipedia, hatred and discrimination against atheists sometimes is called atheophobia, atheistophobia, or anti-atheist sentiment. None of those is satisfactory to me. When I google searched "anti-atheist" the search engine pulled up "anti-theist," so your point about there being no good terms is well taken.
Crap … I can hardly spell atheist.. “atheophobia, or atheistophobia” I give!
Atheism is a lifestyle. Freedom. I think we don't need any lobby group, we need just exist... Be godless, that's it. In the USA we have more atheist, then people think...
I think we’ve more ‘Atheists’ than members of any ‘one religion’...
We only have the “don’t be stupid” retort but I like it. People have come to see being called stupid as an insult when it’s actually merely a perfectly common human condition. We are all stupid, sometimes or for some thoughts, so there’s no reason to take the word as anything other than dismissive of opinion.