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How many cat ladies become cat food in the end?

DaveSchumacher 7 May 11

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Same for dog owners, I would imagine.

Good reply.


Isn't that just puuurrrfect? ?


Some pet owners in general have been known to become their pets' last meal. Folks die in their homes, pets run out of food eventually. What's a hungry critter to do ? Actually, I can't say I'd mind if my animals had a munch on me - I'd be recycled into them.

And of course humans have had to resort to similar meals in survival situations... oh yum.


Crikey. What an image that conjures 😟


What kind of cats we talking about ? Big cats or domesticated pussies ?


How many cat gentlemen? We all become food for something after we die.


It can happen if they die alone. Sad.

JK666 Level 7 May 11, 2018
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