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Whenever anyone asks any question that does not mean they are just looking for an answer, but they are also looking/asking for knowledge, information. Questions are a great tool for us to expand our mind beyond the limit of knowledge we have currently, and we can use it to help others to expand their mind as well. So that we would not be so stagnant and stuck in our ignorance level for too long. The longer we stuck in our ignorance/stagnant the less usefulness we become, the less we actually live a life but to more to be exist, the less we able to enjoy life, the less peaceful we would be, the more chaos we would create. We all really need more knowledge and that require questions so that we would not gain much of illusion knowledge as what actual knowledge.

4w4r3n355 3 May 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I have no children, so l have done my part. Is there a prize or gift card that goes with this? ☺

You have no children, and what part did you do? You can not get gilt or prize when you are not even stated what part you really did. And are you commenting on a wrong post? because I see no relevance to the post from what you said. Are you having a problem with comprehension?

@4w4r3n355 Wrong post. ☺

@Sticks48 even it is wrong post, but your comment has no sense.

@4w4r3n355 If you know the post it would. The post was about overpopulation and Govt. mandating a limit on the number of children a couple can have. ?

@Sticks48 I am the one who wrote the post. Do you even know that? How is your comprehensive levels? it must be really low. Where is in the post is about overpopulation and Govt, mandating a limit on the number of children? Where do you live? Where is such mandate?

@Sticks48 We do have overpopulated with idiots yes, including idiots in the government.

@4w4r3n355 People were discussing the Govt. mandate in China and the possibility of mandates in the future as one way to control the population.


I agree. Think of Zen koans. I find that some of the questions I see here make me think and I do enjoy reading other's answers and I can sometimes say, oh I hadn't thought about it that way. Once we stop asking questions and looking for answers and sharing dialogue we are done for.

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