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Music is so important to our enjoyment and fulfillment in life. I don't listen to music as much as I did when I was younger. I had a reel to reel tape deck that seemed to always be playing then. I was reminded of this last night by some music, though it was not of human origin. I was sitting on my deck at the top of a hill listening to the hundreds of doves in this neighborhood sing their evening songs. They put on quite a performance and made me think that music might also be important to species we consider to be lower on the scale of evolution.

Enchanter 6 May 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Music is life's pulse.


Put another nickel in that good ole' nickelodeon!


"Music Can Calm The Soul Of A Savage Beast" A saying i heard long tine ago.Music is communication, in rythm.

Coldo Level 8 May 12, 2018

Music is just communication, probably means basically the same thing to birds as it does to humans.


Nature is the only sound system I love more than a reel-to-reel!


I love music. I also love listening to wildlife music -- sitting out listening to the birds, going camping and listening to everything.

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