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Anyone else watching the eurovision tonight? We've had a lovely bbq today, I had a glass of Lidl knock off pimms in hand and the eurovision is on!

Josephine 7 May 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I love the eurovison but are you talking about the end product or is it the UK pre eurovison? I live in Australia and I have not seen it being advertised. It is a huge thing here, so many people who live here are from Europe.


I have it recorded on sky..don't tell me who won!
Enjoy your celebratory can work off your hangover on your gym set tomorrow..


It certainly polarises opinion does the Eurovision. I hate it with a passion 🙂


I've watched it every year since 1979, and I love it. This year, though, I'm going to miss it 😟

Jnei Level 8 May 12, 2018
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