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First job and automation.

If a baby is born today, where might they get their first part time job in 14-15 years? Where could they get their first full time job in 22 years? Remember not every person can or will be a super duper programmer.

My first job at age 13 was at a fish market on Saturday and Sunday cuttting and cleaning fish.

Davidthinks 7 May 12

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Since the advent of modern computers, from the 1950s forward, the big push has been that human intelligence would create devices to give us more leisure time and no need to work exhausting hours.

With the monopolization of so many industries taking hold in the 21st Century, I notice the corporate shills no longer tout progress as good for working people. The idea was for MONEY to become LESS of a measure of a human's worth, and for civilization to move foward towards a healthier and more satisfying life of compassion. The growth of our talents instead of our material worth is what will change us from warring apes to cognizant beings who realize the future of one country is the future of us all.

This attitude was once widely known and excited humanity, thinking of how we could evolve and survive our selfish nature. The fact that this has not been mentioned on this thread yet saddens me. Even the Silicon Valley geniuses have discussed how workers will survive, and their answer is Universal Basic Income.

The stumbling block is the selfishness of the corporate monopolies. They are stuck in the old money trap, which will crush us. Mentally, Americans have a hard time adjusting to what should be our new reality, trying to better ourselves and mankind. So much indoctrination about "exceptionalism" and being "God's favorite" is killing our future.

Your kids don't have to be couch potato gamers. Let's teach the history which is now whitewashed from our books. Math is not impossible for us to learn, but hiring talented mathemetitians to teach us is impossible at $35,000 a year. We used to teach Latin, Greek, and philosophy in our public schools. Now we teach two semesters of remedial English just to make our freshmen literate for other college classes. It is pitiful. Knowledge is worthwhile and elevates us. Education, Trumpers, is NOT THE ENEMY. The authoritarian ignorance of religious zealots is our enemy. Accepting runaway non-regulated capitalism as our goal is the enemy. We have the opportunity to make technology work for us instead of monopolies letting us starve. Don't worry about what jobs will be left for the next're missing the point of technological advancement. Grab your pitchforks and take to the streets. The only positive about the top 10% is WE OUTNUMBER THEM. They've decided not to share the bounty, believing their own classist hype. Last year 85% of American profits went to the wealthiest 1%. A few years ago the US passed the inequality level present before the French Revolution. The poor are now poorer than when Marie Antoinette said, "Let them eat cake if they have no bread!" Americans have been fooled long enough. My pitchfork is ready.

You are no kitten! What a perfect response and totally correct in all regards. Your statement about Universal Basic Income is so correct and has great meaning if our Society is going to advance. The Swiss voted on doing that just last year for everyone not working, retired, disabled or in college. My parents immigrated from Switzerland & I often compare things to them because of that. Possibly one of the greatest cultures that ever existed. It is nice to see that there still are other clear minds in world that care, my pitchfork is ready too.


Mine was chopping and cutting for a salad bar at 16.

If we're lucky, we'll develop something like the modern German method, which tests for different talents and attributes from K-12. The kids are encouraged to take the talents they have and develop skills in an area Germany needs workers. Which is why college is free in Germany and nearly every German has a job. They actually groom a child to take a useful vocation where they can excel with decent pay by the time of college graduation.

Why didn't the US think of that, instead of letting kids believe they're gonna be the next Michael Jordan or Meghan Markle? Oh, right, because the corporations who own politicians don't GAF about us.


We have our own robots to do all our work,

3-D printers to make whatever we need,

grow all our food in inside hydroponic gardens with fish pools,

call e-drone auto taxis to take us where we want to go,

use free solar energy that can use tiny amounts of ambient light and/or movement,

robot doctors that can scan and diagnose us, even do operations (they have them now)

and sell our excess food and energy back to the government.

@Davidthinks They can have skyscraper stacking gardens to grow exotic fruit and food most people won't bother to grow, sell inexpensive 3-D printed housing, and get a cut of the e-drone taxis, and of course, build robot-run factories to make products from ingredients that most people can't easily obtain, such as silk, carbon, and steel.

Humans balked and protested at each invention, such as wailing about the demise of the horse carriage, but we still moved on, or we'd still be driving horses. Each technology opens up previously unimagined comsumer products and uses.

@Davidthinks 3-D printed houses available NOW only cost $3000, so most people won't have to pay rent at all, after paying a price less than for a used car.

There are also pop-up trailer houses now available that expand into luxurious homes, and houses you can make yourself for $2000 by blowing up a big canvas tarp bubble, covering it with concrete, or better, hempcrete (which doesn't burn or mold), then deflating the bubble, leaving a dome home.

No need to rent, or if you choose to rent one, shouldn't cost much. You can also stack them. Some cities are now stacking houses made from sections of huge cement pipes, that are very cheap.


Some of my cousins started out in fisheries. My first formal job was as an usher in a cinema. My daughter's first job was with a puppet show. I don't know what sorts of work future generations will have. Maybe our robotic underlings will works for us instead.

@Davidthinks I'm hoping to be dead by then or decanted into the body of a robot dog as my daughter keeps threatening to do to me 😉

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