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In the wake of the Las Vegas shooting, I keep hearing Republicans say that it's premature to discuss reforming gun control laws and that we should pray for the victims instead. Thoughts?

Dresden 3 Oct 5

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They always say that. They'll never agree to sensible gun laws because their constituents hump their guns. They believe that giving up war guns amongst the public means giving up all guns. They're babies crying for their toys. When Democrats are in office they scream that they are going to take our guns--and they buy more. When dip-shits are in office, they stop buying more guns--even though the shit is instigating war. What is wrong with this picture?


They're just doing what the NRA lobbyists pay them to do.


see here's the thing...they always say its premature. Then the news cycle for it is over and it happens again and again. Nothing ever gets done. This should have stopped all the way back with columbine.


Prayers have never stopped a bullet.

MarcO Level 5 Oct 6, 2017

I think that after Sandy Hook, when the murderer targeted literal children and Republicans still weren't open to discussing gun reform, the conversation was over. No amount of tragedies will change their minds. It's horrifying. Call me a liberal, but I don't think that semi-automatic weapons should be in the hands of everyday citizens. Also, mental health funding has been reduced a lot and that's probably correlated with the number of men who want to kill hundreds of people at a time.


It's never the right time for them to discuss gun control. After any shooting that involves a person of color or Muslim, THEN it's the right time to discuss a wall or a Muslim ban, but not if it doesn't fit their script.


Personally, I don't know how to pray or what prayer is. How do prayers help victims? I do feel sadness for the victims and families. If I could go back in time and change it, I would in a heartbeat. If any death can be eliminated by changing gun laws then any time is the right time to talk about it.


they don't want to do anything, schilling and making money via corruption matters to reps and dems who's opinion are molded by who ever pays them

To be fair, I've never had my palm greased and I still think that people should not own semi-automatic weapons.


Having spent years in fundamentalist churches, I'm familiar with their arguments. Rather than argue about whether or not prayer works, I remind them how Jesus prayed. He didn't think that God was supposed to do his work for him. This is especially obvious in his Sermon on the Mount.

I then remind them what Jesus' brother had to say on the subject: "In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." So I remind them that thoughts and prayers aren't enough. They're going to need to do something.

Does it work? Rarely. But I don't think they're going to listen to anything else.


Growing up my father was an ex military, ex policeman gun dealer. I have a lot of history with firearms. With that being said it is embarrassing how stubborn the PRO gun right advocates are. I suggested to eliminate products like bumpfire stocks, gat triggers, stove pipes and other products that circumvent fully automatic laws. They won't budge. The backfire effect is so strong over this shooting the two sides are so far apart now Compromise is going to take more work then ever. Sad. But I refuse to give up. Something needs to be done, this system of laws and regulation is broken.


gun control is almost as dumb an idea as the great gig in the sky having human sympathies or responses


I've answered that same declaration on Facebook by saying, "Fine. Forget Las Vegas. But a decent amount of time has passed since Sandy Hook and Orlando. Let's start talking gun control laws based on those tragedies." Talking to the sky praying for the victims will accomplish as much as kicking the can down the road on gun control measures.


They are just saying this because they know the American attention span is short.

Register, license, and tax all guns just like cars. Do it now.


Thoughts and prayers are of course useless. They need to look at an outright ban on assault rifles or at least limiting the number a private citizen can own to 1. If all he could have bought legally was a handgun or a shotgun it possibly could have prevented 59 deaths. Will it stop all crazy people and gun violence? No BUT it could greatly reduce the numbers.


to some extent it makes sense, making a decision in the heat of the moment can lead to doing too much

While I agree, this isn't our fist go-around. This is a conversation that many people just don't want to have, regardless of the carnage.


Prayer is bullshit. Gun control is something. . .


Not that it shouldn't, but nothing is changing. As I saw posted on-line, if children being slaughtered at Newtown didn't change anything, nothing will. Why will this be any different? When Steve Scalise, who got shot at the Congressional softball practice, says that after Vegas he supports gun rights now more than ever, what will change?

It's not that it's too early to talk about's that it's pointless. There can be no debate, or discussion, when one side refuses to recognize there is a problem and is unwilling to talk, compromise, or have rational discussion...essentially when they treat their ideology (whatever it might be) like a religion.


I agree, thoughts and prayers are useless and are empty gestures. It's easy to say I'll pray for you, much harder to take action


It's what they always say. Prayers are less than worthless, most of the time I don't think they even really pray.
I think they just say "our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families" and that's it, they don't go to some private place like their book tells them to do and actually get down on their knees and pray.
All they're trying to do is bide their time until it's not such a hot issue, meanwhile they'll be working with their pals at the NRA to get silencers legalized.


Praying? For what? Am I one of the few who knows that prays do nothing. People rush to offer prayers (as well as thanking god) for the survivors after some catastrophe happens during an air flight, but they never blame the same god for those that died. It appears to me, that they need to offer prayers.

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