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Was at bud's house today who has TV. There was a special on about the brain and aging. Their company came so it was shut off.

What I took away from hearing about half of it was: When we age our brains naturally change which causes forgetfulness BUT-- the brain compensates by challenging many to ACCESS BOTH SIDES of our hemisphere- the logical AND the creatives sides.

So to a point, those in their 60, 70s 80s and even some whom are in their 90s who stayed intellectually actively seeking stimuli may enjoy a greater capacity for self-sufficient happiness and well being,


I have friends and also suspect myself-- that my being has enriching psycho (sexual, too), growth spurts...

What do you suspect, believe or have experienced???

LetzGetReal 8 May 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Aha yes the brain never ceases to amaze me - yet we only use 3% imagine using the whole 100% then the conscious and sub-conscious mind and they say the brain is like a muscle you use it or you lose it

Rosh Level 7 May 14, 2018

I'm 76 years old. I believe I am more intelligent today than I ever was before in my life. I'm also more sexual. I think it is perhaps because I'm retired and not working I have more time for sex.

I've read your profile information.....there are many interesting facets to your life experience. You are an exciting woman. @LetzGetReal


"I need to sleep on it," I told clients when given a knotty problem to solve. They laughed. I was serious.

As a left-handed, creative musician and artist, I am also logical and organized. Sometimes I flip back-and-forth between the left and right sides of my brain. Brainstorming ideas and solutions.

I disparagingly call it "monkey mind." I love activities that get me out of my head. Sex, hiking and reading funny novels spring to mind.

Sleep is restorative. I awaken with the best solution.

@LetzGetReal, Thank you so much.


Yaaaaay! Something to look forward too..

Took the thought right out of ... one or the other side of my brain 😉

@Varn both sphere at the


Since studies show that most male traits are found in the right hemisphere of the brain, and female traits on the left, I assume that the older people get, the lower the levels of gender hormones.

With age:

Women begin to get male issues; chin hair, lower voices, steadier moods, etc.

Men tend to get "man boobs" and get higher voices, become less aggressive.

The waning of the birth gender hormones probably tends to free up areas of the brain that the higher levels of birth gender hormones, useful for procreation, used to suppress.

This gives older people access to more of both sides of their brains, if they are keeping their brains active.
This falls in line with the common observation that the older married couples become, the more they look and act alike.

My usual warning whenever I mention gender issues; if you troll me, I'll only block you.

Older women often have everything a man could want - beard, moustache, muscles ...... 🙂

Looking forward to that higher voice I can finally sing along with my rock heroes … as I work to keep those man boobs at bay 😉

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