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Android App, new version. Just downloaded the new Android App and tried to log in with google account, but though the account was entered it didn't log on. Just didn't do anything. Really hoping this will work now with Google account.

Has anyone else tried with new Android app with google?

@admin Are there remaining issues?

Remaining hopeful.


David1955 8 May 14

Enjoy being online again!

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App for this blog wow i need to try that

Rosh Level 7 May 14, 2018

This is a bug in Google's code. Your login worked but you need to press the "Google" button one more time on the app and you'll be logged in. We hope Google fixes this soon.

Admin Level 9 May 14, 2018

No, I saw that comment about pressing the Google button again. Tried all that, but no log in. That's why I'm interested to hear if it works for others. If so I have a specific issue, don't know what.

@David1955 Ok, I'll have some people test it again. Thanks! Could you tell me what version of Android your phone is using? (It's under "Setttings".

@Admin Version details: Android version 5.0 It's the latest version Samsung have updated on this Galaxy Note. They won't update any further, darn them. Thanks

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