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Struggle is a critical component and necessary ingredient for achieving any kind of success, in any type of situation.

nutrition_nerd 7 May 14

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Nothing worthwhile is easy.


you have to work at things or life would be very dull I think


It is. But it’s ruff when a struggle's close to home.. And, it (eventually) gets tiring … but I suppose that’s what kids are for 😀 ..and maybe small doses of struggle can keep one ..young 🙂

Plants sure do go for it … I plugged some apple tree prunings into the ground just to mark some planting locations ..and have watched nearly a dozen of them sprout leaves - tonight, I found one with blooms.. Let’s be like plants 😉

Varn Level 8 May 14, 2018

Well, maybe not for just "any" kind of success, or in "any" situation... we all succeed with many things without struggle, I suspect. But for BIG successes, some struggle weeds out those not ready, willing, or able. Without that, everybody would be doing it all the time.


Hot damn! Am I going to be successful!!!


I'm so done with struggle as an end in itself, I'll take the easy win when I can get it, plenty of struggle the rest of the time.


If no struggle then no sense of accomplishment

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