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As an atheist what do you want done with your remains when you die?

I want to be fed to something or to be buried in a simple coffin with an oak or elm tree planted over me.

Rams91 4 May 15

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Told my husband to cremate me and put me in a pretty urn...


..go big ..
..i.e. Joe falls in the volcano...


I want to be made into diamonds for my only daughter.


My usable organs will be harvested then I'll be given to science. Once they finish with me I'll be cremated and my ashes will be given to a buddy of mine who will incorporate them into several large aerial fireworks which will be launched over my farm so my ashes will return to the land I've farmed all these years.


I originally wanted my body to be donated to the body farm. However, I like the idea of being in a pod thingie that grows into a tree...

Sparks Level 3 July 15, 2018

Until now I would have said cremated and ashes scattered into the gulf stream, but after reading some comments here I think donating to science is a great idea.

GP73 Level 4 July 14, 2018

I really don't give a shit. The crematorium can keep the ashes.


I have donated my body to science. When they are done with it, they cremate the remains and return them to the family. I have instructed my children to do whatever they want with me. I am DEAD and do not care!


I told my family casually, I’d like to be dumped in the ocean, whole, (deep water) I figure it’d be the most cost efficient, bio friendly disposal method. No need for monuments, morticians and cemeteries are the only beneficiaries of these rituals.

Tomas Level 7 May 17, 2018

I want to rot and give my energy to living organisms that can use it.


Always loved the ocean. So I guess after cremation my ashes will be given to the sea. And if my kids will want to remember my resting place - they will have to go to fun trip to the sea, not sad one to the cemetary?.


First I'm an organ donor. After they remove anything that may benefit living people, my body will be donated to a body farm for forensic study.

JimG Level 8 May 16, 2018

Cremation, then mixed in/up with predeceased husbands cremains, then out to sea we go . . .


Definitely cremation. That way, they can keep some of the ashes and then do that thing where they put my ashes in a pod of dirt and plant me so I can grow into a tree or something.

Yes! That’s what I want too. I’ve also seen where they take the entire body and put it in pods. But I want to be cremated first. It’s a really great idea.


It's a pity it involves an afterlife as I quite like the Klingon way. As soon as the body is dead you gather by the body, look upwards, scream/yell very loudly to warn the spirits in Sto'vo'kor that a warrior is coming.
You then throw the carcass away 🙂


I want to go to a taxidermist and be stuffed.


I'm going to med school when I die. I've donated myself to science. My daughter wants to go to one of those csi body farms.


I don’t know if I will actually carry it out, but I visualize a self-cremation. I might build a pyre, get it burning, climb on and shoot myself with my pistol, thus making a joyful and dramatic exit and side-stepping the medical and funeral industries as well as silly bureaucrats.

A friend told me that it would be a shame to burn up a perfectly good pistol. I have the feeling he’d come over and do the job if he got to keep the pistol.

I'd never do it, but I've thought about something like that. It'd be either that or a Viking funeral, but with my luck, I'd burn to death while cursing at a hopelessly jammed pistol.


I had thought about this before. And I came up with the strange but interesting answer. I want my friends and family to eat me.

So I would always be a part of them...


I totally couldnt care what happens to my body after I'm dead.

I'm DEAD so it doesn't matter to me.

If it can, in some way, do good (medical research, organ donation, etc) then, I guess, it would be better if it did so. Other than that, feed it to stray dogs - at least they'll get a meal out of it.


I’m an organ donor and would like my body to be cremated so it’s not taking up land and space for no reason. I don’t really care what’s done with my ashes.

Shahi Level 4 May 16, 2018

Ashes added to that beautiful place would be nice


Organ donor first.....let em have a have a go at whatever I got they need. Whatevers left I'd like scattered off of Buck Rock. Having my


already set up to go to my alma mater. eyes are being donated first.


Ideally I would like to be put in a rocket and sent into the sun. Back to star stuff. Since that's a wee bit totally impossible I'll be cremated and then scattered in a place I'll suggest, or anywhere really. Minimum fuss. I've specified that already.

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