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I'm sorta seeing this person we like each other but she was raised in a church and knows about my beliefs. She has been deliberately not wanting to spend time together since her women's meeting at church. I have no idea what to do. Neither one of us do. I'm just so confused over all of this.

Peanut69 4 May 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Right now she doesn't seeing it working out. Because of how her family is and wants something long term not just dating. Part of it is her family. I guess it is all becoming more clear


It has been my experience that it does not work. Believers will almost always try to convert you and do not respect your right to not believe. Friendships are sometimes okay, but relationships not so much. Just my 2 cents.


When we married my wife was a believer and I wasn't sure. As time went on she became more devout and I more agnostic. 38 years later before she died we were still very close. And 11 years later I still go out to dinner with people from her church. These are good people, why wouldn't I? They know that I don't believe and show me the same respect that I show them. I live in Bedfordshire, UK, in a village called Clapham
All you can do is talk to those who will listen and if blind prejudice continues to get in the way of your relationship then I think you should call it a day


If there isn't any compromise leave


My opinion is that it is possible for courageous and open-minded people to find common ground. Each party must evolve.

That said, I will never again sit in a church and listen to a lot of garbage. I wouldn’t do that for anyone.


I don't get why an agnostic would even WANT to date a religious person. Why?

If you married, condemnation, endless church meetings, religious dogma, and oppression would be your fate.
Also, pity your kids.


Deliberately avoiding contact.
Take the hint.
And run.


I have had relationships ruined because I am an atheist and they are a believer. I never have a problem with their beliefs but they always have a problem with my non-belief. Assuming they can change me by asking the same questions I’m asked all the time; “what if you're wrong, “aren’t you afraid of hell”, “do you worship Satan” etc.

Anyway, it sounds like an excuse to distance herself from you. Or she has told someone at church about you who has put thoughts in her head. If she’s worth it be patient and let the situation blossom. But if not, back out before your feelings get too serious.

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