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Well, I do see people mention this: No islamophobia, what about christianophobia, atheistophobia, jewishophobia, agnosticophobia, catholicophobia,Africanophobia,
traditionophobia? Thanks to political neoliberalism,we now have new words.

Humanlove 7 May 15

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So first it's not a neoliberal term, but calling it one does reveal a political bias.

FYI the term was coined nearly 100 years ago. Older if you include the French Algerian version.

Islamophobia = fear of Muslims which often takes the form of hatred expressed twords them. We don't need those others you tossed out because bigotry in those forms mostly already has names.

Those here who state no Islamophobia on thier profiles are pretty obviously uninterested in being around bigots. What about the others? Well they aren't fashionable among atheist these days. Not like Islamophobia is.

And anyone who thinks we can assume that the actions of something like a fractional percent of all Muslims in the world describes accurately the minds and hearts of billions of people?

Well yes, however you might feel about religion, that's a form of bigotry. Or at the very least, fearful and intolerant.

Also, this is neither silly random or fun.


Sounds like xenophobia gone to the extreme.


I stand corrected: you are correct about these words coming from "political neoliberalism." These are the same types of people that attempt to divert attention away from their evil deeds.
Divide and conquer. Get the uneducated stupid whities angry at everyone else, and anything is possible.


The listed words have been created to describe someone/people who is "bigoted" and/or "hateful" against the identified group.These are all dangerous words. They are most often used by those who wish to divert attention away from their own, often despicable, behavior.

I can be described as an "islamaphobe." I agree with Sam Harris that islam is the motherload of bad ideas. No matter what is written in any of the versions of the koran. The practice is evil.

I can be described as an "anti-semite." Which is really stupid, given the real meaning of the word "semite." I AM anti-fascists, which include zionists. In my opinion, these are some of the worst people on the planet. Causing pain and suffering and waste of money all in support of their mental sickness. They behave just like all the other religionists wish to.

It should be clear, graham, bakker, et al, would be right there killing non-believers if given license. Another reason Hair Trumpf, and his ilk, are so dangerous.


One of my pet peeves is the use of the "phobia" suffix. It's not "homophobia," it's hatred, and the use of "-phobia" is often used as a way to give a pass to others' acts of hatred.

MikaB Level 5 May 16, 2018

One thing I would suggest is that you find a different forum to post this type of question in. This is a serious topic a d by posting it under "silly, random and fun," you may not be reaching out to the people who will write serious responses to your post.


FYI: neo-liberalism is an ECONOMIC stupidity that started in the early 1800s. It is also known as "trickle down" economics. This is what trumpf, and the kochs, and the waltons, are all about.

It has NOTHING to do with the Liberal principles of free speech, equal rights, and freedom from religion.


Neat group


I'm always suspicious of people who like to use these new, made-up words.
I won't use any of those words, and generally avoid those who do.
I eschew trends and the trendy.


Your use of the term 'neo-liberalism', as I understand it, is incorrect.

But anyway.... is it new words you are objecting to? Not much you can do about that. Language changes along with people and ideas. Personally, i like it.
Too many words in your post to take each one in detail but islamaphobia would be a fear of Islam. I think when people use the term they probably mean anti-Islamic.
Often when challenged on this they claim that THEY are the ones being discriminated against rather than actually look honestly at the validity and consequences of their statements.


Righ on.


Neoliberalism is an economic term referring to the resurgence of lassez-faire capitalism.


Islamophobia is a nonsense word. Could someone please define it for me?

KenG Level 6 May 16, 2018

Don't question this religion or you're a racist.

Really though, prejudice against Muslims exists but that shouldn't be a reason to not question/challenge Islam.

islam = noun. A monotheistic faith founded in the 7th century

phobia = suffix. Fear and/or an intense dislike

islamphobia = a strong fear or dislike of members or the theology of monotheistic started in the 7th century.


You are weird ??

Are you defining a term, or just taking a little break in your day to insult someone? Shame on you if it is the latter.

Taking a break my dear !


Thanks for the post. You have hit on something that has been itching in the back of my mind. Many of my atheist ior at least non religious friends are pro Islam, or at least anti - anti Islam. They criticize Jews and Christians about dumb religion, but mention Muslims and they jump down your throat.

Muslims don't generally kill you for criticising their religion either
Come to that nor do Buddhists, Hindus....

And there's the point good people....🙂

for me personally I don't like bullies and when I see some a** harassing a women, who is half his size, for wearing a head covering it bothers me.

@engineer_in_nj me too, I would intervene and stick up for her, and on the other side we have a gang of muslims who raped a lot of girls purely because they were Australian and not Muslims, they believe they are permitted to.

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