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If you had one day (24 hours) to live, what would you do and why?

SamSchley 2 May 16

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If I had only 24 hours to live, I would spend it with my family and pets, not dwelling on tomorrow but enjoying today. When it came time to rest, I think I would take a hearty dose of ZQuil so that I would not be awake for the death drama.


See family for a few then go out with my dogs in nature for the rest of the time i had left


First, drugs and hookers. Then spend time with my family. Last thing would probably be more drugs. At least a Xanax for the end lol


Seriously, make sure the consent to donate my body to Liverpool Teaching Hospital was at hand. Contact as many relatives and friends as possible to say a fond farewell. Send off final donations and contributions to my Political Party (Communist Party of Great Britain - MarxistLeninist), to the Palestine Liberation Organisation, to the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, to the local Cat Protection Society, and then with what might be left - buy a bottle of single malt Irish to the beach just before sunset, drink my whiskey and, quietly contemplating my values and how I tried to promote them, watch the sun go down on my world.


Same thing I do every day.
For all you or i know it could be our last.


Spend it with my family letting them know how much I love them and how much I believe in them.


Actually that's exactly what we have every day since we don't know which one will be the last one..... We should do those things every day


Pizza from my favourite pizza place, Chinese from my favourite Chinese place, and a gyro from my favorite Greek place. I'd binge watch Rick and Morty, drink tequila, and smoke enough weed to make Tommy Chong nervous.


I wouldn't do anything different than any other day.


I have kids so I would spend the time with them. Probably something low-key.

If I didn't have kids I'd probably go crazy and sky dive or try hang gliding. I realize that's not really that "crazy" lol but it is for me!

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