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Today! On the scene! It still won't matter to Israeli apologists...

Silver1wun 7 May 16

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what can be done? educate yourself. Despite what Silver likes to believe, leadership on both sides, Palestinians (Iran, other Arab countries and others) and Israel (US primarily and fundamentalists) are financed by special interests that are invested in keeping this conflict front and center and this is why the conflict continues.
Silver tells only one side, the Palestinian side and doesn't share the fact that the Palestinian leadership amassed unarmed civilians at the border of Israel which is heavily patrolled and the Palestinians rushed the border. It's deadly and it's PR and the Palestinians have been doing this for years, since suicide bombings became famous and acceptable...martyrdom for Allah.

I agree, she seems to have conveniently left out hostility from Palestinians and portrayed them in a strictly positive light. I can see why she would be considered a propagandist journalist.

The people, captive people, amassed at the border of their open-air prison containing almost 2 million of them. Israel has no border, functionally, as it keeps on expanding it's occupation and defacto annexing all it steals. The ghetto called Gaza borders occupied Palestine, not 'Israel'.

Other side? I've had the 'other side' spoon-fed for my entire childhood and adult life. Even considered once, in the 70's kibbutz life as a try. I bought the program like so many others; like so many children buy Santas and Easter Bunnies, only to find out they were lied to for their own good and happiness.

The Leon Uris (fiction writer) version of events and like propaganda NEVER HAPPENED. That, is the other side. Neither gods nor occupying foreign entities have title to give a country belonging to one people to another people; not in the modern, secular, real world.

Political Zionists were actively plotting and making strategic moves to seize land by force, militarily, whether a partition would ever have occurred or not. The groundwork was clearly being laid long before the holocaust and the holocaust was used to full advantage by the 'Jewish Agency' to force refugees to Palestine instead of countries they preferred. This is no secret, except to the media entranced public at large that is too mentally lazy and in fear of the truth and it's implications.


Let's go beyond the last four weeks... In 1999 a report stated Mein Kampf was a best seller in Palestine. In 1972 a Palestinian terrorist group took an Israeli Olympic team hostage and then murdered them in Munich, Germany. A leader of Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist group, has said he would like to gather all Jews in one place so it would be easier to kill them. It is said Hamas was affiliated with the recent protests where people claimed they were going to storm Israel's border. Palestine has received plenty of international aid in the past to invest in its own infrastructure, but has channeled much of their funds into terrorist groups like Hamas, then it cries that it has no water. In the mean time what about near-by countries like Egypt where the government has cracked down on the LGBT community and has made atheism illegal, and Christians are regularly targeted? She is a propagandist journalist.

Nice try... First and foremost: sources of this alleged 'information' with dates? book sales are easy to manipulate - books are cheap compared to weapons and it is only, so far, an unsubstantiated assertion.

Palestinians rightfully, bitterly hate the Zionists who killed their relatives and stole their lands, homes, and other properties. They, better than Americans, know well who their enemy is. Political Zionism is their mortal enemy and almost as much an enemy to world Jewry because their murderous behavior is resurrecting Actual anti-Semitism.

Uninformed people, like most Americans, don't know the difference between Political Zionism, Religious Zionism and Judaism and that is how the racist Fascist Israeli regime is trying desperately to keep it. That confusion allows them cover in two ways. First passing as Jews and the homeland of world Jewry in the public mind. Second: Enabling them to continue exploiting the plight of holocaust survivors with this counterfeit identity, by neutralizing all criticism by labeling those who dare to speak as anti-Semitic or self-hating Jews.

After the Palestinian people, the next people of whom Political Zionism is an enemy is Jews, world-wide. Most Jews by far, live outside occupied Palestine. More live here in the USA than in the Zionist enterprise and the next largest Jewish population in the Middle East resides in Iran. All Jews are definitely NOT Zionists and all Zionists are certainly not Jews.

Ilan Pappe wrote my favorite assessment of the Political Zionist movement:

"Most Zionists don't believe God exists. But they do believe he promised them Palestine."

@Silver1wun " According to Agence France Presse (Sept. 8 ), the book, previously banned by Israel, has been allowed by the PA and is sixth on the Palestinian best-seller list. " []

Further background info.. " is Hitler's Mein Kampf so popular among Palestinians?" []

When talking about hate for those who stole their land, shouldn't Jews and Christians have first say considering it was their land first? Especially when they were killed by the sword when Islam expanded? In actuality, Israel and its allies have been quite civil in this matter - they are not going out of their way to kill people as this reporter Abby Martin is portraying. People make Israel out to be the worst country on earth, it's nonsense.

Again, is there a lack of discussion about countries like Egypt where Christians, gays and atheists are being purged? Countries like Lebanon that at one point was a Christian nation and let Muslims into the country to access their superior universities and hospitals, only to have the Muslim population grow and overthrow the Christians, which has led to the country's decline.

@repubatheists Egypt doesn't qualify as a distraction from this as they are not Palestine and as Palestinians are not all Muslims; a misconception propagated by the Zionist barrage of distortions. Palestine has been consistently betrayed by Egypt and other Arab regimes in the neighborhood since before '48. It doesn't relate to this. Injustices committed by Islamist maniacs in other places have also nothing to do with Palestinians.

The land most certainly DID NOT belong to ancient Jews originally. They were a nomadic group that occupied most, but not all, of the area; once for about 70 years. the Arab people and their descendants have been there for all of recorded history. Philistine is actually the root word for Palestinian. The Bible isn't actual, secular history. It is only a version of history assembled by ancient Hebrew nomads.

@Silver1wun The land did not belong to Jews originally, but between the Palestinians and Jews.. Jews were there first, and they have a history of being exiled.

"The Jewish diaspora (Hebrew: Tfutza, תְּפוּצָה) or exile (Hebrew: Galut, גָּלוּת; Yiddish: Golus) is the dispersion of Israelites, Judahites and later Jews out of their ancestral homeland (the Land of Israel) and their subsequent settlement in other parts of the globe.

In terms of the Hebrew Bible, the term "Exile" denotes the fate of the Israelites who were taken into exile from the Kingdom of Israel during the 8th century BCE, and the Judahites from the Kingdom of Judah who were taken into exile during the 6th century BCE."

See "Jewish diaspora" []

I consider Egypt and practically every other Middle Eastern country to be worthy of discussion in regards to mistreatment of people and purging people, specifically Christians, from their lands and countries.

@repubatheists Jews were absolutely not there first, even by the ancient Hebrews' own account. The modern day Occidental invaders are not those people anyway. You might also want to read this:

I'm commenting here because a comment caught my eye. But I haven't read either of your comments. Clearly Jewish history is established in the Middle East, despite recent votes caste in the UN stating otherwise. But the Arabs were there, too. There were Jews and Arabs living in the region that is now Israel. It was a region and not a country and the Arabs outnumbered the Jews. But it was no surprise that for 50 years prior, the Jews were trying to establish a homeland there while the pogroms raged in Europe.
My point is that the Jews didn't take the land of Israel. The British carved it out and simultaneously offered a homeland for the Palestinians which they refused. The British are not known for finesse when departing a region (India/Pakistan) but the Jews had not many alternatives and were running on fear and determination. I think Israel's founding was made with good intent. Though there are many, well intended individuals countries the world over and the UN should be ashamed at how slowly and carelessly we handle people in crisis. (Yemen) Israel's intentions are warped under Netanyahu's leadership. He doesn't offer a healthy or sustainable way forward for Israel. He's not progressive. And the relationship with the US is not healthy. Israel has lost its vision of being a haven for Jewish people and has become an outpost for the US. Israelis do a lot of incredible research and contributions despite all of this but the government is sadly impotent when it comes to this conflict. And many Israelis see it and write about it. The Israelis I have a problem with are the ones that only critique Israel. The Palestinians need an improved quality of life but this isn't just about Israel in my view. The Palestinians have aligned themselves with Iran and other terrorist groups and they are hellbent on the destruction of Israel. Iran is a murderous country. The Palestinian Authority is as narrow as the Netanyahu.
Anyway, I don't read Silver anymore. Too hard to slog through his thinly veiled antisemitism. And repub, I'd imagine that you and I share a burning desire for Israel to have a healthy future and a vibrant role but, correct me if I'm wrong, you embrace the notion that Israel is always right and a victim in this crisis? I agree it's been bullied, as Jews are bullied, but Israel's leadership hasn't been virtuous in years, at least as long as Netanyahu's been in power. It was bullied but now it's got some power and I do agree with the many Israelis that believe Israel is on the wrong track and can wield it's power towards helping improve the quality of life of Palestinians and build bridges internally rather than to live as if it's back is up against the wall. The Israelis should focus on the quality of life of the Palestinians instead of focusing on the actions of the Palestinians Authority who are hellbent on the destruction of Israel.

@crazycurlz I don't think Israel is always right, but I consider the pro-Palestine movement to be a much bigger threat to peace, not only to Israel but also on a global scale.

The pro-Palestine movement is wreaking havoc all over the west with its anti-capitalism, anti-Christian agenda (it often branches far beyond issues regarding Palestine) . One of the most noted American activists during the last few years is Linda Sarsour, a woman born from Palestinian immigrants, whom has dedicated her life to building Islam in America and promoting divestment of Israel. She was a co-chair of Women's March, which is a cornerstone movement that nonsensically calls opposition "racists" and "nazis" outright. She and other Women's March co-chairs have praised Louis Farrakhan, leader of Nation of Islam, whom has said Hitler was "a very great man" in the past and has even been blocked from entering the UK for extreme anti-semitic statements. Sarsour has also said she wishes she could remove the female body parts of activists Brigitte Gabriel and Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Ali is a noted ex-Muslim, atheist, and victim of female genital mutilation.

Jeremy Corbyn who leads the Labour Party in UK has spoken at pro-Palestine events in the past with terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah flags flying behind him.

The pro-Palestine movement is a huge network that challenges peace. It can be found on college campuses across the United States, mostly in groups that despise the United States and worship communism, as well as in the entertainment industry, such as Roger Waters telling other musicians to not perform in Israel.

@repubatheists in all of this, I actually agree with you


It was horrible! What can we do to stop this sort of thing?

one place is also []

@Silver1wun Thank you!

what can be done? educate yourself. leadership on both sides, Palestinians (Iran, other Arab countries and others) and Israel (US primarily and fundamentalists) are financed by special interests that are invested in keeping this conflict front and center and this is why the conflict continues.
Silver tells only one side, the Palestinian side and doesn't share the fact that the Palestinian leadership amassed unarmed civilians at the border of Israel which is heavily patrolled and the Palestinians rushed the border. It's deadly and it's PR and the Palestinians have been doing this for years, since suicide bombings became famous and acceptable...martyrdom for Allah.

@crazycurlz Thank you.


My word I never thought that these people were that bloodthirsty.

you certainly will never see it in our "free press"

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