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I've always found this topic fascinating

Squirrel 7 May 16

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Too many unqualified presuppositions chained together. 1, 2 and 3 dimensions OK spoken from experience. Speaker failed to specify that the fold from 1 to 2, and from 1& 2 to 3 is a 90 degree angle. For the 4th to be equivalent to the preceding 3 the same angle of turn must be applicable. 1st problem, for this to be possible a totally new kind of spatial movement, one that is neither linear nor circular must be conceived. Spatial dimensions can only be conceived in terms of movement. This is where we hit a brick wall.....


I don't fully understand it, but it's the first time I've come close to grasping why ten is a kind of 'magic number' in this context.


I too have found this subject interesting, personally I think we are doomed in a perpetual recycling till we are deemed safe to exist in the greater universe! That means to be and express a true willingness to play without any thought of violence toward an other living thing. When we achieve this we will be released from this prison and no longer be burdened with these earthly forms or tasks. Free to explore endless time forever or do whatever we choose!

But who is to do the 'deeming'? Who will effect our release?


I truly wish I could have grasped all of that. If I watched it ten times I'd still not fully understand it.

Mental gymnastics are required and I fell off the beam somewhere around the third dimension. :/

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