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How off putting is it to learn someone has kids?
I've never liked the term "baggage". We are mostly talking about amazing little human beings here. You would be lucky to meet them! Or someone's history in general that still has consequences for them. And the older you get, the harder it will be to find someone without any "baggage". Unless they haven't lived! I would be more concerned about that than about someone with a complicated background. Thoughts?

Poll: Would you date someone with kids?

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Lcunni 3 May 16

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47 comments (26 - 47)

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I can't win either way/
My kids are grown now,
but when they were younger I did have issues from women who did not have kids and just did not understand who a single parent family works.
Then the ladies I went out with that did have kids,
all had problem kids.
Problems at school, behavour problems at home,
not wanting mum to have time for herself, then if they were older, trouble with the law and/or drugs.
It turned out easier to stay single.


I have an 11 year old daughter. Beware the constant giggling, chatting, questions, hanging on, tagging along....... I’m sure I’ll miss it when it’s over.
If you have a problem with kids, then you probably should move to a desert island and live in a hut.


Maybe. The kids would definitely have to be older (teens or above).

GwenC Level 7 May 16, 2018

Wouldn't bother me although it could complicate things. Probably unlikely but I guess I could really like a woman but not like her kids. Maybe?


Yes but I prefer if they’re older. My girls are 19 and 17 so I’m not really interested in helping to raise more kids for the next 15 years

Ahhh !! I have two as well !! I am just few steps ahead. 25 and 23. My oldest is happily married and just had a baby. My youngest lives out of state. Both graduated from college, so they are on their own. Empty nester and loving it. I've always wanted them to be independent so I can die in peace knowing they don't really need me. The job is almost done, my youngest still needs a little bit more work...she really knows how to push my buttons. Anyway, I can relate to your reality and wish you the best through the testing times of college... Cheers !!!


Off putting? Really?


I was a kid, I procreated 3 now adults, how do I judge? Now I believe kids are the greatest of responsibilities a human could ever experience. Just like not everyone is fit to be a parent not everyone is fit to be a step-parent.


Wjen you get to tnis age range most peoples kids are getting close to leaving the nest.....atleast they can wipe their own butts so thats a plus lol.


I have three kids. Two are grown and one is 16. I have dated several women with kids. I have had mixed results with trying to blend all of the pieces together. IMO dating a woman with kids changes the way a relationship develops. Decisions have to be made more carefully because young hearts could be effected if things don't work out. So one must be fairly certain that the relationship will be healthy and long lasting prior to getting the kids introduced to their counterparts. There is also a responsibility and resulting commitment of time to the kids that both parents must allow for each other. Consequently the relationship develops more slowly compared to a situation with no kids.

Having said that I have plans to travel after i get my youngest situated in college. So I really don't want to get serious with anyone who has kids younger than 16.


I personally don't want to sire kids, but I'm open to dating a woman with kids.
However, my reluctance to have kids has been off-putting to some women who interprete it as not liking kids.


Four things that place a guy in the "NO" category.

Too young


I never wanted kids so to be with somebody who has them is a big NO....unless, of course, the kids are over 21 y/o.


It is more about the person than the kids. There are people that it is an absolute "No. Thank you very much." But that is because there are underlying issues around why they are single to begin with. Adding children into that situation is very bad.



  1. I'm not dating.
  2. I don't have kids...cause I didn't want kids after like 26.
  3. If they didn't get the world needs less humans than more then I wouldn't be dating them anyway.
  4. unless they adopted or for some reason had children because they are improving the world ... an not because they were selfish.

My ex has kids, so I already have. I'm 39, so anyone I date will most likely already have kids. I think once you get past 30, it should be expected. I haven't had kids yet because I haven't been in the right situation with the right woman. I had the chance to have kids with 3 different women. It's not something I take lightly. It's like kind of serious mannnnnn! affected voice


I am at that age where it is hard to find someone without kids. I have one myself. Single dad all the way. The difficult part is finding that person who is wants the whole package along with baby momma stuff


I would definitely try to avoid someone with younger kids. It sucks of theyre a really awesome person but ultimately, it's generally pretty difficult in my experience, especially earlier on. I was in a long-term relationship with someone who had a teenaged child which wasn't so bad because they were always out hanging with their friends and whatnot. The younger ones just require so much time and effort.


I've done it. I wouldn't again.


I would. But I have 3...


I kind of like the idea of dating someone with kids, but it isn't a preference. It's just a very interesting bit of insight into their personality when you see the relationship with their kids.


Well some men and women who do have kids are just the pits. The kids are the king/queen in the relationship and rule the roost. It completely destroys everything and is very bad for the kids too.


Yes, I have kids from my first marriage and dated a woman with two children, I remarried to a woman with no children and no desire to have them. It depends upon the situation but I don't see why kids would be a deal breaker although they definitely complicate matters.

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