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What's your political orientation?

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Atheist0001 4 May 16

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I lean left socially but on many other issues I'm more centrist. It depends on the issue and the circumstances.


I honestly think if Trump had run as an independent, he probably would have won by a majority vote as well. There's enough folks out there that are really tired of both left and right sides.

70% of millineals to be precise.




Whoa! I'm here all alone!


I am a centrist as I do not believe in the extreme views of any side. Also to govern one must know how to compromise because otherwise you whine up with todays Congress.


I am left side in current system, however, I prefer anarchy and chaos.

Interesting, seeing as the 'anarchist' is actually to the right of a right wing Republican.

@Captain_Feelgood true, to an extent. They still want their government, regardless what ideology states.


No option for radical revolutionary. Capitalism is a broken system that benefits 1% at the expense of the 99%.


I can't and won't subscribe to a party. I believe that each issue should determine your thoughts, not blinders or a rein.

So do single issue voters.


You haven't got an option than so left wing I fall off the edge 😉

@ProudMerry yay!

I'm crushing really hard on all you left leaners! Xoxo good answers peeps ?


fuck that shit


Left and I hate that I'm right-handed


Since age 18, I have been a Democrat, feminist, volunteer and environmentalist. I vote in every election.

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