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So a few weeks ago I got in a bit of an argument with an employee. He made the comment that their is something wrong with women who at a certain age do not want to have children. He was talking about me. Several other employees heard the exchange and called him out on who he was talking about, me. I wasn't upset, actually found it a bit humorous at first that this employee whom I am a direct supervisor for so open about having an opinion about what I should be doing with my body. But then he brought religion into it. "God wants us to procreate, god said go forth and be fruitful". This guy doesn't know the Bible from the Lord of the Rings. To prove my point I quoted the statue of liberty "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” he didn't know the difference. I let the conversation go after that, after all I was at work and his supervisor but it still gets under my skin that he thinks bc of his religion he can have an opinion about my body. Anyway I just wanted to open up the discussion on here and see what thoughts you all had. While we're at it let's do a poll. Who thinks is unnatural to not want kids.

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Gypsy31771 6 May 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I came across your post by way of another member commenting on it. I found it interesting because I've experienced similar situations and I find it just as annoying as you do. I do not have children, many of the people who criticize me don't realize that my life just did not take that turn, I made other choices for myself; and I never really think about it until someone makes a comment similar to the employee you supervise. I don't feel bad about it. I have a good life and I don't feel "defined" by the fact that I don't have children today. Kids are not the only thing that can give a woman meaning in her life, and I am way happier than the folks I know that have children. They tell me all the time they wished they were like me - childless... so ... Meh, don't let them get to you.


First, you get to do what you want (and maybe to play devil's advocate re abortion I always wondered why the father doesnt' have an equal right to the kid, hmm maybe my own poll) but until recently I always thought that all women had that "maternal instinct" and at some time all wanted tohave kids. I was straightened out that not all women have or get that. so it's clearly not "natural." As with everything else in life, as I believe most of us agree here, religion has no say.

lerlo Level 8 May 20, 2018

Love my kids but in a do over I would not have children.


Your employee is a bible-bashing asshole who does not understand the slightest part of the book they claim to promote. Idiot !! lol


Growing up I didn't realize having children was a choice. I thought if I wanted a woman in my life then that was a given.
When I met my wife she put me straight on that. Consequently I actually had to consider if I wanted any. Turned out not to matter though cus I wanted my wife and she doesnt want kids. Rather have the woman I love than a kid ive never met.


This may also be a violation of your companies harassment policy. Might want to talk to HR if it continues.. he is creating a hostile work environment.

Personally, I'm a great uncle.. but parent? no thanks


I had no children, and l have no regrets. I know it is different for women, but l have a good female friend and my sister-in-law, both of whom had no children and they are fine. Your life, your choice.


I am a bit older. 61. What there are 7 b people on this planet and machines and robots are replacing 60% of the labor. I believe it is very rational to not have children, especially in the us.

@StilInterested good for you. I don't unwish my children. But if i was in my 20s today, i wouldnt have children.


Childless by choice. I've heard all of the arguments. I was just born without a maternal instinct, it's who I am and I'm happy to be me.

Same. Last year I chose to have my tubes tide. No one at work knew until long after the surgery but apparently the rumor mill started up and that's what led to this employees remarks.

@Gypsy31771 I started asking for a hysterectomy at 17 but the state of Florida won't allow self sterilization before the age of 25. I was 35 before I finally got my way. Even then the doctor wanted me to get my boyfriend's approval.

Good for you for taking charge of your own future.


Pay that fool no mind.
Having children is a personal choice. Does he know there are thousand of children in foster care because they do have a good home. What about world population running out of control.
I wonder if he believes all the other mess about women in the bible..
Ugh people like this should be stoned... Just joking but he has a serious flaw idea of how the world is instead of what his foolish book states.

Believe me I mentioned all of those points in the discussion I did try to have with him but there is no changing an idiots opinion and I knew I was waisting my breathe.


To each their own, but I've always thought wanting kids was strange.


I find it funny that the species that CAN'T give birth have the most opinons about women's bodies and reproductive health. Asshat.

Species, huh?

@SallyMc how? They can reproduce together. I’m just being an asshole, but I really dislike this form of word misuse. I always have.

@NothinnXpreVails Yep

@AzVixen52 lol are you agreeing that I’m being an asshole or about the word usage? hahah

@NothinnXpreVails Take your pick!

@AzVixen52 hahahhahahahahhahahahaa


I applaud people who are self aware enough to know they do not want children and do not have them. I cannot imagine the societal and familial pressures.

"Self awareness," yes, that is the key to this issue. I also think that people who are this level of self-aware and make decisions that tend to go against the established grain are frightening to those who go with the grain out of fear of being different and/or dogma. Those people try to brow beat the self-aware outliers into conforming to no success.


Is he still working there ??

He does.

Find a way and take revenge !

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