Dog help me! I just got a call from school that my granddaughter's cell phone was confiscated today because she had it out of her backpack in the gym. In the meantime, some little fuckhead in Texas goes into a school and kills ten people. Pardon me while I go somewhere and repeatedly smash my head into a brick wall or something because I don't understand WTF is going on in this country anymore.
My grammie would have said the world is going to hell in a handbasket. I think we've increased the speed a shitload. I also think if there is a Rapture this would be a good time for it to happen and get those crazies off the planet before they kill us all. I'm sorry for your G'daughter's school. It is a jungle out there.
We are more divided than I can remember. It seemed that we were making strides toward becoming "one people" when reactionaries interceded, pointing out the differences and making them the points of importance.
@ProudMerry I noticed.