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I am just coming to see that I have been fooling myself all these years. New to the idea there is no God (s). Makes so much sense but feel stupid for not trusting in my own mind for so long....

GodlessMichael 4 Dec 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Welcome aboard. Grab an oar! It took me years to come ‘round. And college. And an ugly divorce. And utter darkness.

The feeling of being duped doesn’t really go away, but it damn sure makes you more cautious of BS in the future. It’s important to remember that asking questions is fabulous and it’s perfectly okay if you don’t know the answers. As long as you’re willing to keep seeking.

Always happy to chat. Cheers!

Do you think you are stronger to now know the truth or weaker that you don't have the support of the church? I mean the people not the organisation.

I think I’m much stronger now. When we were in the church, we were really at the mercy of our leadership, the congregation, and the doctrine in our respective faiths. Essentially, we were hostages.

In the story of creation, Adam and Eve were forbidden from eating the fruit of the tree because then humans would be as knowledgeable as god. The remainder of the entire damn book is punishment for the knowledge we attained. This was to keep us in our “place.”

Knowing it is just a creation myth, it’s still a terrific example of what religion does to us. It literally takes our power away. It does not want us to use the I’ll-gotten knowledge we innately possess.

We are strong when we use our minds. And surround ourselves with people who do the same. Fear not, knowledge is truly power- the more you seek, the stronger you become.


I'm so happy to see new people walking towards the light. When trump was elected, I thought it was the end of civilization, but I've seen more and more people resisting the idiocy. It gives me a warm feeling.


it is what it is mate. a question is only hard if you don't know the answer. move on to your new found freedom.


A lot of us are new to the idea and feel we can express it freely now. Today I just told a friend for the first time to not pray for me.

I am glad I can speak my mind freely. To be honest I'm having mixed feelings. Part of me feel good about finally coming to my senses but there is worries. It's hard to turn away from everything I once believed in. Never liked it when people say you are in my prays. Like thanks thayt's helpful.... You know I have a problem but instead of doing something you are going to what? Go and asks guy who knows everything to do nothing cos that's all he ever does. Thanks. You did right to tell them not to pray for you. Let them pray for someone who believes it will help.


@GodlessMichael - Welcome to the menagerie of others who often feel a little bit ... well ... dumb. I was fortunate in that I was never really locked into a belief, so I've been spared some of the shock that coming alive can bring, but I do understand. You are among friends here. Relax and enjoy being able to speak your mind. I'll pray for you.

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