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Who else is watching the royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle preparing to take place?

She's already been driven past the crowd, barely glimpsed in her wedding dress, on her way to the ceremony at St. George's Chapel.

The place is overrun with actors and other showbiz people; Oprah Winfrey, Sir Elton John, the cast members of Suits, etc.


birdingnut 8 May 19

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I purposely missed it. Sorry, wish I could add something to the conversation.

I've been a fan of "Suits" for years..and a fan of Meghan in particular.

I was very interested in the clothes being worn by both Meghan and her guests because I designed and sewed my own wedding dress, which doubles as a ballroom dance gown.

I have been making my own clothes for decades, as well as both my son and daughter, who designed and made their own clothes since they were five (daughter) and eight (son).

My daughter was besieged at middle school and high school for her clothing designs, and a few years ago a yoga class owner exchanged yoga classes for a pair of her yoga pants.

Meanwhile, my son has been selling his own lingerie designs to vendors in LA.

My ex and I dancing on the beach, where I'm wearing my wedding/ballroom dress.

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