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Man! Today was a long day! Juat niw getting off work. Sucks i ha e to go home to an empty house. But I'll chill out and smoke maybe watch some movies before i pass out! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

MrGodless38 4 May 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Even though the house is empty, you have a great weekend too.


I'm puzzled why so many Americans seem to think living alone, or being single, is a "bad thing," that needs a solution.
In Thailand, nobody even notices if you are single or not.
I love it, myself.

My motto for dating: Being with him has to more fun than being single.

If a Thai woman has a good job, she often stays single so she can keep the money herself.

Thats so selfish!

@MrGodless38 I know, right? But often they have boyfriends despite being single, and those boyfriends usually get into their purses and steal money for gambling, but I suppose they still get to keep more money than if they were married.

in Tai Land... the Tai people... His point is that He personally doesn't care to go home to an empty house at this point in his life. That's his choice; His decision. Don't blanket all Americans based on one man's likes or dislikes. And maybe be a little empathetic to another's situation


Enjoy your down time.

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