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Some people are confused as to how I can be atheist and still have religious beliefs. I think we need to make some definitions and concepts clear here.

An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in a god or gods. You can believe in a higher power that is NOT a god and still be atheist.

Religion is the belief in a higher power. Not just god(s), but perhaps a force or power.

An agnostic is someone who believes that no one can fully understand the true, full existence of such a higher power. Such people are willing to admit that they could be wrong about what they believe, but they can still have their beliefs.

I know that the language of these terms can be confusing and they are often misinterpreted or poorly explained. I hope this helps.

Ravensasha121 5 May 20

Enjoy being online again!

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You still believe in a supernatural power whose existence cannot be proved.

Giosk Level 3 May 21, 2018

Sounds to me thats a contradiction and juggling with words but I think I'll stop here as I hate these 'defining moments!'


You can be a Buddhist and not believe in a creator god. But I would think that religion is generally very different to reason.
A higher power could be gravity or something like that, but I suspect it would be a mistake to worship it.

Belief is not the same as worship. When I say higher power, I mean a creative force with no consciousness. Religion and reason are different, but I see them as things that can connect at times. As I explained before, you don't have to believe in a god to have a religion.

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