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I feel like a phony because just yesterday I was labelling me Homeless and today I am bitching about the nuances of opening a pool in the east coast. Well in truth homeless is a major problem in america as I see it. There should never be a single one and yet there is so many invisible people around us. How can we as a society accept that? I recognize the mental health problem. But we don't do enough as a responsible society.

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 May 20

Enjoy being online again!

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The way to solving the problem is getting rid of the corruption in our government and restoring the social services to help those less fortunate and restore regulations we had on banking and big corporate. Get big money out of governement and restrict lobbying. Put some of the military budget into the people and vets and less on expensive toys. Just some of my ideas.


True and we will not improve under the republicans .


True and we will not improve under the republicans .


It is a big issue where I live. All the mental health facilities that housed people are closed. Many of these people cannot live on their own because of their incapacity and also their lack of income. We have one facility that provides a space to sleep bit they cannot be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. No one wants to take the problem on and I honestly do not know how we fix it within our current system

And that is the truth, those are humans with a broken spirit, they simply gave up and that aspect is never addressed. Each has a different story and circumstances. In some countries that is unaceptable and here is the "norm" and easy to be made "invisible". The strenght of a chain should always be measured by the ability of its weakest link.

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