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I'm not sure how my name managed to get on this mailing list, but I welcome the opportunity to provide feedback and express my concerns. ?

Funnygir175 7 May 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Fill it with glitter and confetti.


what fun you must be having.


I briefly dated a far-right, born-again Christian, Republican medical doctor who collected 100 guns. Bill hid his beliefs because he knew I would reject him. Then he sent me a list of his beliefs. Horrified, I dumped him because he is the antithesis of me.

Bill's Jewish parents survived Auschwitz and emigrated to New York. Yet Bill wants to ban all refugees and immigrants.

To get even, Bill donated to the National Rifle Assn. and the Republican Party in my name. It has been fun marking their emails as spam.

On Republican Party donation requests, I write:

"YOU IDIOTS! I'm a lifelong Democrat who supports gun control. You Re-THUG-licans are going down!"


Dont put a stamp on it so they have to pay postage...


Just think of all the fun you could have. Of course, not ALL Republicans believe that homosexuals should be stoned for laying with each other but the point is that they at least have a platform that they believe in. Like Texas Republican Lt. Governor Dan Patrick saying that the Sante Fe shootings are not due to guns but to abortion and video games. Technically, this is a platform. It's just an insane platform.


I would not be able to fit all my concerns in that envelope.


Oh Boy! I want one of those!! The fun I could have...

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