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What do you think when at a first date or a social event seated at a table the cell phone is laid, on the table that is?
What the f..k has become of our society? Can't we for at least an hour put these devices away.
Apple iPhones are certainly popular. The phone seems like a status symbol, flash it around. (Yep they're manufactured in China where benzene an n-hexane are still used by workers who get blood cancer, but what does Apple care. Samsung and other cell phones are also manufactured in China).
A phone is a phone guys and those who check it constantly are really boring people and likely to get run over by a car while texting when crossing a road. No great loss I guess.

jules4169 6 May 22

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Totally agree. Gave up my Blackberry when I retired. Smart phones are annoying. I have a gf who takes it everywhere including the bathroom. Ridiculous. Should be turned off on dates out of respect.


I agree. I have an iPhone. It's not a status symbol to me.

It stays in my purse when I am out. Unless I want to look something up that we all are talking about. I have a few people in my life who think and behave similarly re phones mixing with socializing.

I have a friend who takes phone calls while we are having a meal out together. Every. Single. Time. It's usually her kids. It's almost never something that cannot wait, but she never says "I'll call you later."

I have a couple of friends that, while having a meal or just enjoying group company, start scrolling through pictures and showing them to me. Yes, she is precious, but I don't want to see 18 pictures of your granddaughter while we're visting with a group.

I went to a graduation party/gathering this weekend. The aunt of the graduate looked up from her phone maybe three times.

No manners or couth anymore.

It's also PATHETIC to me that people no longer just ENJOY THE MOMENTS. Everybody has their phone out taking pictures of EVERYTHING. I read something recently that said something like the brain does not remember the events the same way (or clearly or at all or whatever) when the person is busy taking pictures. Look at any picture of a famous person (i.e. Obama). Almost every bystander has their phone up and taking pictures. Nobody is really just taking it in. Life is so short -- I wish more people would put the phones away and try to enjoy the moments.

You are so right. People are becoming unaware of the environment they're in. They're totally focused on the device. Also taking pictures of everything, even boring stuff - what happened to memory?


At least the owners were not laid on the table ?


It's sad, I agree.


I only pulled a cell phone out once on a first date. My daughter was stopping to take care of my dogs and I made sure it was ok with my date before I took the call.

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