Pessimist or realist, you choose. In the end this Chumpster-fire we're going through doesn't mean spit. Have ya'll heard of a guy named ? Former Prof., at U. of Az who believes, as I do, that the end of the Anthropocene is upon us? Hate to be a real double-dog-Debbie-downer but you have about 10 years of life left. Research him, contact me if you wanna know more. His advice? Live well.
Extreme pessimism, no doubt...... Can we talk a bright future instead????
Define "bright future"? Shiny robots and flying cars WITH honest democratic socialism? Better hurry up.....
@Lop-Eared-Mule you plan your future any way you like. My idea of a bright future is to do whatever is within my power to enjoy my present. If shiny robots and flying cars is the future then I better learn now how to use them, repair them, sale them.. heck, how to manufacture them and create jobs and opportunities for other people. Now, the technology with honest democratic socialism, that one gotta say, don't know what you're talking about, neither want to know or debate. Political discussion is pointless, that is the stuff out of my hands therefore I am not going to loose sleep over that. It's actually very simple, I choose to create a bright future. You can choose to believe whatever you want and that is just fine.
Excellent advice, regardless. Live well NOW, for however long it lasts.
Carpe deim
"when the last ding dong of Doom has clanged and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless over the last red and dying evening, even then there will be one sound, that of man's puny and inexhaustible voice, still talking.". -from Faulkner's Nobel acceptance speech
@TheAstroChuck He was not a scientist, he was a writer speaking of human nature, of the immutable and constant conditions of the human mind and heart.
Statistically I should have another decade or two left in this body, I've worked it pretty hard and the wear and tear are already starting to show. I'm not afraid of dying anymore and while I don't embrace it I will deal with that shit when it comes. Maybe I'll wake up dead tomorrow but until that happens I will continue to live my life fully, prepared for the worst but ready to accept the best.