So I am fairly new... so I believe in the higher power and I do take a piece of each "religion" that I can appreciate and apply to life. Jesus is a great guy I am sure... am I a real agnostic or what the heck am I? Lost in Denver.
Sounds like you are honest and courageous and bewildered, which IMO is the most rational state of mind when it comes to the deep questions of existence.
I reject just about everything taught by mainline churches, yet I think there is a common core upon which all religions are based and that has value. That is deep awareness,gratitude and appreciation for the beauty and mystery of reality. No need to throw out the baby with the bath water.
Sure, Jesus was a smart, gutsy guy and I agree with a lot that he is reported to have said, however, his is not the only valid perspective.
Gnosis = greek word for knowledge
Gnostic = believe that a supportable knowledge claim can be made
Agnostic = don't believe that a supportable knowledge claim can be made
Someone who is agnostic about god doesn't believe they can know whether or not god exists. The basis for agnosticism is the unfalsifiable nature of truth claims about supernatural beings and realms. If a thing is supernatural it is above or outside of nature. As creatures of the natural world, with five senses relating to the natural world, we inherently can have nothing to say one way or the other about that which we cannot examine and substantiate.
Theist = person who believes in at least one deity
Atheist = person who does not believe in at least one deity.
This is not about knowledge but about belief. An atheist sees no valid reason to believe that there are any deities -- generally because of the total lack of any evidence at all. Atheism, ideally, is a side effect of skepticism and critical thinking. If you're a skeptic, you don't afford belief to the unsubstantiated -- much less the unsubstantiatABLE.
So these two concepts influence each other, although they vary independently. Note that they also vary depending on what you mean by "god". The more specific and personal a god you are talking about, the higher the barrier to belief. I find the non-interventionist god of deism far less unbelievable than, say, the miracle-working god-man of Christianity that conforms to some particular sub-sect's interpretation of the Bible. My main problem there is that I can't think of a way to distinguish an absent or indifferent god from a non-existent one.
I identify as an agnostic atheist, given that I see no supportable knowledge claim about deities and also no valid reason to believe in any of them.
Christians usually believe every word of Jesus.
But is this faith in the words of Jesus justified?
Examine the following and think.....
Matthew 7:7-8 (New American Standard Bible)
7"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
8"For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
Is this statement by Jesus true?
If you ask....will you receive?
If you seek.....will you find?
If you knock....will it be opened?
It is comforting to believe in the words of Jesus.
His words can make you feel good.
But when you have problems in your life, can you rely on Jesus' words to be true?
We all know that Jesus' words are not true.
I can tell you right now that you are definitely not an Atheist and if you believe that Jesus exists and is a great guy then it is unlikely that the term Agnostic would apply either. Maybe you are just questioning religion and feeling confused which is a perfectly normal way to feel. Answers come from asking questions, the better the questions, the better the answers. Stick around for a bit, see if you like it and find it worthwhile, either way I wish you all the best in your quest.