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The Handmaid's Tale. I just finished episode 3 of season 2. This show is fucking terrifying. In episode 2 where she's in the old Boston Globe building and she is looking through old newspapers and building the story of how this started, I feel like it is a warning to us the viewers. "It's starting. Don't let this happen." The part where she makes the memorial in front of the bloodstained and bullet filled wall, I wanted to cry. There are people out there right now who think gay people should be killed. There are people out there who want women to be silent and serve. There are people out there who want the US to be a theocracy, to silence journalists, to take away our choices. It's so easy to kill when "god" is on your side. It's horrifying to think about. I don't want Gilead to be our future.

Remi 7 May 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Google (any MidEastern capital) streetscape 1968....see women driving cars, having coffee at cafes with low-cut sleeveless dresses, high heels, etc. Now reflect upon how they can be instantly killed for going out burkah-less.
Be afraid, be very afraid......

Exactly! It's pretty scary to think about


The book/series ar a good example of why church and state need to be well separate. Throughout history, the worst excesses are perpetrated by theocracy- where the religious operate without resistance and opposition. Listening to many prominent American churchmen and women, it is easy to see where they would lead, given power and opportunity. This also highlights the need, in fact the necessity, for those who would resist the religious to affiliate and organise as effectively as they have done: To bring effective power to the voice of reason.

Long live the Freedom from Religion Foundation! I joined when Trump got elected


The Handmaid's Tale was one of those books that you had to read in high school for English class. Margaret Atwood may have had the benefit of being on the outside looking at parts of American society and then extrapolating where that might take things in the future. There is a dark side to American culture that has always given me the creeps as a Canadian, thankfully that dark side is still in the minority.


While a bit darkly silly, there are those undercurrents in our government and society that look quite similar. And that is scary!


It is terrifying. I tried to re-read the book last year, but didn’t get far. It reads like a religious right wet dream. Atwood saw it coming, I’m sure.

She did a fine job on the book.

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