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A Federal judge in New York ruled today that 45 cannot block people from his twitter account. She said that such an action violates the First Amendment.

I LOVE the US Constitution!!!!!
Suck it, 45!

Let the games begin!!!

KKGator 9 May 23

Enjoy being online again!

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RElease the Kracken!!! naaaaahh...... release the Twitter bots & take no prisoners!


Does that ruling simply mean it's unlawful for him to block, or that the blocking mechanism must be disabled? I think there's a significant difference.


Release the houndsssss!!!

The wingers in my FB are already crying about it. LMAO

@Qualia I bathe in their tears! Bahahahaha!

@KKGator ❤ I can't openly do that! I just laugh to myself. Dog world!




❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ x 1,000,001 ... I literally LMAO'd when i saw that on FB ticker, and even shared it with all my list save for one possible winger....


Well this could be entertaining.....

Maybe all the criticism will make his head explode. Might actually be worth it for me to open a Twitter account just so I can contribute to that endeavor.

@KKGator Yeah I almost never use my account - but account with purpose? lol

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