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Some people think I am Looney tunes when I say I really, truly love being a substitute teacher, but it's the truth!!!! Days like today are just icing on the cake! ? I got this note from a 2nd grader today.

Barba01 4 May 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Super sweet! What a treasure.


I LOVE that! <3

I worked for a short while as a sub at the secondary level (7th-11th grade). I love that I had that opportunity and didn't realize just how much of an effect I had made until several years later when one of the students flagged me down at a store one day. He told me that I was his favorite substitute ever and thanked me for having been there. This kid was one of the troublemakers in the class, too--not a bad kid just one who was acting out at the time. It made my day, for sure, and was a great lesson, reinforcing the idea that you don't always know the extent of the effect you have on people, just by showing up.

Thanks for sharing!


That’s fantastic!


I've been a supply teacher for 10 years (what you call substitutes). And I have the bruises to show for it. The last note I got from a Year 7 (well, she actually wrote it across the page of a school book) was F++k f+c+fU++ Ms. (my name). The first two attempts at fuck were crossed out as she'd spelt the word wrong. I was really proud that she finally managed to get it right!



So sweet and rewarding. Thank you for all you do.


Aww ! Rewards from their heart to yours. How nice !

Ohub Level 7 May 24, 2018

your not looney, horses for courses


That is so lovely, how much did you pay for it?


@Barba01 It is a joke.


What a lovely gesture!


Subbing at the elementary level is the best! I began my career in teaching with a year's elementary subbing - the kids are a delight 🙂


That's cool


With notes like that I don't blame you in the least for what you do ?

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