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When will it change?

Michael64 7 May 24

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The fans need to boycott games until the players are allowed to be Americans with freedom. This is stunning on the part of our own nation blocking our point of views. We are being told to be as they want us to be, or we should leave the country.
No, they need to leave the country, we already have democratic laws and now must stand up and make certain our freedom is not deterred .

EMC2 Level 8 May 24, 2018

Leave the NFL alone. This is trump's fault-racist and hating the NFL because he was rejected from ownership. Personal vendetta run amuck.

I agree Michael they should stand up for them. The new rule is ridiculous. Many will stay off field. I think fans should kneel in the stands. I wanted trumpty dumpty to stop pressuring NFL to do something.


Jets acting owner: I'll pay fines if my players don't stand for national anthem"

cava Level 7 May 24, 2018
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