On a post tonight, made by a wonderful young lady I follow on this site, I saw her telling a tale where she had to remind a 'Christian' that she wouldn't cheat on her husband; not because 'sky daddy said no', but because it was just morally wrong.
Now - KUDOS to her! I've never cheated on anyone, but I have had it happen to me twice. (If the count is higher, I don't want to know) Of course, this got me thinking. What do you think the percentages are? We know that Men and Women in the US cheat at close to equal rates. What about the percentage of Christians (who simply believe they can do it any way and be forgiven) and Atheist/Other - who know it's wrong, but some people simply may not give a damn.
Does any one know of any studies, surveys, polls, etc... on this? I'm curious now (and that usually spells trouble).
Link: Are Christians More Likely To Cheat? [itscheating.com] via @itscheating
Link: Infidelity Statistics 2017: Why, When, and How People Stray [trustify.info]