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In my house I'm the boss, my wife is just the decision maker.

IAS1 5 May 25

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Hah! That explains a lot. I have never been married, and all the decisions have been wrong...


In my house I am the boss, and the decision maker. And the scullery maid. And the butler, chauffeur, gardener, laundress, CEO, minion, gofer, chef, bottle washer, and Queen. Geeze, no wonder I'm always tired. The only thing I don't do is vacuum cuz I have a robovac. The only other thing self cleaning in this house is the cats, and I still do the litter box. FML.


Easier to accept reality that trying to prove the opposite......


I have always liked this old joke:
The 80 yrs old coupl . Been together 60 yrs.said their secret was an arrangement they made at the beginning.
She made the minor decisions
He made the major decisions.
It worked they were still in love and you know in all those years they never had a single major decision to make.


You're the boss. Your wife said so. ...That kind of thing?


Your not


I heard a guy the other day say: "I wear the trousers in my house.... The missus tells me which ones, but I wear 'em". ?


It was a joke !! People are pathetic, they don't get it.

IAS1 Level 5 May 25, 2018

I know who is the boss in my family. It is she who must be obeyed. And I am perfectly fine with that. ?


Lucky you, l have to make up this shit by myself! ☺


My dad married to my mother for 50 yrs with 8 kids once told my husband " any man who thinks he is the boss is a damn fool. Lol


Right. So you stand there being bossy whilst she sorts out the mortgage?

I presume she knows you're looking for dates.

Lol... smile when you say that.?

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