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Is there any chance i can become one of the 144 thousand?

If not, what is the point of believing anything?

JacarC 8 May 25

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I'm just jammin on the rapchur wagon.


Well, only if you belong to one of the twelve thousand of each of the twelve tribes of Israel. So only 144 thousand jews. Not one of the other billions he created and are not jews...


144 thousand comprises a reasonably sized gene pool.

I really wanna participate.


I asked one one time, if only 144 thousand are going to heaven then what the hell do you need me for? Confused look, door closed.

hoping you had a clue.

@Jacar I had the clue. They didn't. They were standing on the porch with their chins flapping when I closed the door.


Why not 665 thousand?

Only god knows.


It's members only, mate. If you're not one of the 144 thousand, you'll need to find another nirvana πŸ™‚


You’re already one in more than 7 billion.

Are you trying to use mythology to justify mythology?

Is that so bad?

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