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when someone ask "what if i'm wrong about god ?"i say i still don't want to be brainwashed ,i still don't want to go insane, an most of all i still don't want to go to heaven !

BlairMitchell 4 May 25

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I always say, what if you are wrong about God and you die only to find Shiva wagging six swords at you and asking you forsook her when all the info was freely available?


I say, "I live my life as a good person. I don't think any omnipotent being would begrudge me my free will, as long as I am a good person. I doubt God is looking for Yes Men, and mindless sheep, or why bother giving us a brain at all"


and Gods a fucking asshole


An eternity on your knees, singing praises to a psychopath of a supreme being, if it exists then I don't ever want to go there because that really would be hell.


What if they are wrong and god created this scheme to test the Gullibility of Humans, those that Don't Believe for lack of evidence are rewarded, while idiots who believe on faith are sent to hell.


If I'm wrong, I will be very surprised.


On the off chance a completely invisible unverifiable god actually exists*

If god is rational, then he will understand my belief system

If god is irrational, then he is not worthy of worship


I admit that I could be wrong about my disbelief in god. Only the dead knows what happens when we cross over. The bible says that all knees shall bow and all tongues will confess. If god is real all i want is the fortitude to give dude the middle finger. Because he/she fucking sucks


With you on that. Why would I want to spend eternity with an all powerful narcissist

Kimba Level 7 May 25, 2018
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