Religious schools should not count as education.
No, faith based edu is NOT edu...It's indoctrination...But so is public school in the US right now. The propaganda taught now is beyond anything I've ever seen.
I got a fine education in our Haiti mission school, but we used CA correspondence courses. Years later I was a teacher for a year in a tiny private school that used Christian Alpha and Omega correspondence courses, and it was excellent.
I suppose the science section taught Creationism, but it taught facts also. The main strength was the tiny classes and ability of students to work at their own speed.
Most students were finished with that day's work by noon, so in the afternoon I taught all my students to speed read, read music to sing, piano lessons, tennis lessons, gave them advanced drama classes and we put on a semi-professional level play where students did everything, from lights to music, and I made the costumes.
Kids I contacted later said that public school was breeze after that, since they could speed read entire text books in a few minutes, with perfect recall.
Speed reading got me through my Russian lit course!