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In my opinion, everyone should know how to program. I knew as soon as I saw the internet that I wanted to create web pages and web software. That turned out to be a good economic decision for me and I have done web programming part time for the last 10 years. But in my opinion, a little programming knowledge amplifies the economic potential of just about every career. Do you agree with this idea?

Lauxa 5 May 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Khan Academy has a bunch of good free lessons: []

Lauxa Level 5 May 27, 2018

And you can learn the basics for no cost...


I agree but only so far as I believe that everyone should also master basic maths, science, languages, philosophy, business, economics, humanities, politics, art, health, fitness & nutrition, self-defence, etc, etc. Basically people should spend at least an hour or two every day continually learning new things and expanding their understanding of the world and the universe. Not everyone needs to be an expert programmer but everyone should be able to do the basics. Never stop learning.


It will likely be required to an extent in all jobs. As more and more jobs become automated, knowing how computers think is non-negotiable.


I don't have the patience for programming, and I'm a pretty patient person. I took 2 classes in college. I passed, but I didn't do so well. It's really tedious and meticulous work.


Agreed up to a certain point. A little knowledge can be dangerous depending upon access to the back end. I have also experienced some with Dunning Kruger which I find to be an opportunity to educate. It can be frustrating as well.


Writing software has kept me fed for 18 years. It’s fun too.


With more knowledge comes more potential yes. Is it something everyone needs or should learn, no. It's not a necessity in life and there are many paths to take that it's not an essential function.


As part of my degree I took modules in software design and coding. My career took me to ICT Project Management but with little exposure to the SDLC I wish I had gained more experience in leading software projects. There's oodles of roles out there for software project managers.

Just goes to show that we don't find a career... A career finds us.


Yes, I agree 100%


Not for me, as I'm dyscalculic, but for other folks, I'm sure it'd be great.


I'm getting my Bachelor's in Science degree. I'm majoring in Computer Science. I'm a Freshman in the Fall.


Yes of course

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