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Should I let my 11 year old watch Deadpool? Is there anything genuinely subversive about anal sex in a film? Is it worse that hetro sex or are we just conditioned to see it that way?

Josephine 7 May 26

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I'd say it depends.on the 11 year old...I mean is he mature enough to handle the tons of sex references,the references to semana, tea bagging,cocaine usage, the references to pedophilia and what not?


It’s not anal sex. It’s the blatant sex. I’d just say edit out those portions. The rest of the movie is hilarious.

So him getting but fucked with a strap on isn't anal sex ?

“It’s not the anal sex”, is what I should’ve said.


I'd give it a few years before I was comfortable letting a child of mine see it . 14 at the very least 15 I wouldn't mind so much . I know there's going to be but but but so and so's parents let them see it but so and so isn't my child .


Ava my 10 year old has asked me if there is any particular reason why she shouldn't be allowed.


Sounds like we're having similar concerns. I'm debating whether or not to go see "Blockers" with my 11-year old daughter this weekend. Not sure what to expect. Supposedly, it's got some raunchy humor (which is right up my alley but probably questionable for my daughter) but also some heartwarming scenes about kids learning where their parents are coming from and vice versa. Our backup choice is "Game Night" which may be just as bad but from a violence standpoint. Good luck with your decision!


Absolutely not.

Just had a discussion about Deadpool II with my sister today about how not seeing young kids going into the theater at either film was a good thing.

It's definitely meant for people who have lived a little more.

@Crimson67 It had nothing to do with sex scenes - perhaps you meant to respond to one of the other comments?

I think the tone of the movie is absolutely meant for an older audience.

I'd have been uncomfortable seeing kids in that movie. Just IMHO.


Is an eleven-year-old ready to be exposed to any graphic depiction of sex (haven't seen the movie and don't intend to)? And anal sex?! This is adult territory.

Aren't we allowing children to be sexualized to an alarming degree?

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