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of Fields' funniest and naughtiest shorts that the Hays Office missed.
fishline79 7 May 26

Enjoy being online again!

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No..not working here either..

I'm not sure what's happening. This is a Sennett comedy short from 1932. Like I said, even then it was passed by the Hays Office. My accompanying comment did say (tongue-in-cheek) that it was soft porn. Is that really why it would not copy on Agnostic? If so, what kind of Puritannical website is this? What hipocracy!

It's not your fault..this happens from time to time..its difficult to say why.

Just go to You tube and type in The Dentist/WC fields


The vid didn't work F 😟

This website does not copy a lot of things that I attempt to post. When I entered it, it was perfectly visible. I merely copied the URL off You Tube and up it came. (at least on my computer) I'll try again

I tried again bbut apparently, not only the Hays office, but is in the censorship business. Fuck them!

@fishline79 yep, I'm only just realising how much gets censored or removed from the view of some people 😟

@Abbelyne Me too!

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