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Going gray, or turning white haired

zorialoki 8 May 27

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Ya,the gray hair makes you look very "Extingushed"......


I started turning gray in my teens also,now it's mostly white as my late fathers hair did. Heridity,genes,foods,chemicalsin the water and the air we breathe.


I used to be a blonde and started going gray years ago but so what. The issue was that two people, albeit old and with dementia, said I looked like Ken Barlow from Coronation St (UK soap and not a good look) so I shaved it all off for charity, Brave The Shave (MacMillan Cancer Support) and now have a No1 once a month 🙂


Greying since my teens and it’s almost complete bar my moustache and eyebrows. I wouldn’t swap my Grey for anything.

Just Level 4 May 27, 2018

It actually looks good on you


To which I reply, kiss my ass.
I was born with streak of white hair. It dissipated, but started coming back when
I was 16.
It's completely white now, and has been since I was about 35. I quit coloring it
quite a while back. Why? Because it was a monumental pain in the ass.
Especially since I had to do it every three damned weeks.
It's HAIR, not some sort of indicator about my worth as a person.
If anyone wants to think it is, they can kiss my ass.
I said that twice because I really mean it.

I totally agree, not to mention the detrimental effects on the environment

Not to mention potential side effects to health and some of those colors suck

@zorialoki I always like the colors I chose, and usually tried to have some fun with it all. I never worried about the chemicals because I just don't.

@KKGator x


Well I must be a miss know it all because I have been mouthing off about this injustice for years. I think it is slowly changing but we have a long way to go.

It has been a long time coming, I agree


I like women. If they have gray hair, so be it. I don’t judge a woman’s attractiveness by her he color of her hair. I judge it by her presence. The woman in the video was very pretty.


Plenty of salt and pepper least whats left. 😉


My grandma has the most beautiful streak of silver. I went grey at 13


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