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"Forty-eight percent of Republicans said they believe between 3 million and 5 million people voted illegally in 2016, while 17 percent said they do not, according to a new HuffPost/YouGov poll. Another 35 percent of the GOP said they were unsure."

A scary amount almost 50% of Republicans believe that our election was impacted by voter fraud. I think this statistic applies to whatever Trump says, that about 50% of his base believe it regardless of what he says.

cava 7 May 27

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They're delusional.

They are more problematical than delusional, I think. Trump got 65,853,516 votes, that leaves 31.6M people who are firmly behind him and I find that scary.

@cava When this "flavor of the month" spoils and conservative and republicans no longer can get what they want they will turn on him as they have done with both Bush's, McCain, etc. Rememeber the term "not conservative enough" gets thrown around right before the knife goes in the back.

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