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While actively at war... this is very sad

Lukian 8 May 27

Enjoy being online again!

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a little Snope facts:

All active duty military deaths: 42
All combat zone military deaths: 13
All school shooting deaths: 31
All school shooting student deaths: 26


It's beyond sad. It's actually difficult to accept, even on a purely intellectual level.


I hope you guys can get this fixed one day.
Good luck.


But the truth is it’s the main-stream media pushing the idea.

I respectfully disagree. They aren't "pushing it", they're reporting it, as is their job.
We have 24/7, minute by minute, news now.
We also have more people having access to guns who clearly should not.
The media isn't putting guns into the hands of these people.

@KKGator Yes they are! Just think about it first!

which of the 2 statistics are you challenging?

@ColdFax Yeah, I'm not continuing this debate. Enjoy your day.


Sad, ridiculous, and fixable.


Thank the gun lobby, and the republicans.
That's right, I said it.

The GOP can't tie its own shoes how could they

@ColdFax Well, they are receiving the bulk (not all, but most) of campaign donations from the NRA and the rest of the gun lobby. They've been "tying their shoes" well enough to keep any reasonable legislation from being passed.

When the second amendment was written we had muskets and canons oh and yes an air rifle too. Any reasonable attempt on gun control is met with such virolence I just don’t get it. Yet the right will continue its protection of the gun industry no matter how many children it costs.

@Mikeb56 The money is more important to them. Always will be.

@KKGator Those bastards.

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