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I have been watching "The Story Of Australia" on NetFlics. It seems we have a similar history. I knew there was a reason I have always wanted to visit that Country๐Ÿ™‚

Leutrelle 7 May 27

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Yeah. The main difference is the Australian revolution failed so badly that they don't even teach it in history classes. Just as it began the government moved hundreds of police officers to the location to kill the leadership even though they had already surrendered. Classic totalitarian monarchy


I havenโ€™t seen it yet but as I understand, it was like the southern US states that began as penal colonies right? They sent the people in debtors prison to South Carolina and Georgia to work and sent the more shall we say entertaining criminals to Australia? Lol yeah any time you leave a bunch of miscreants stranded someplace for punishment you can count on coming back years later n their spot is cooler than yours ever was. Nature has too many freaky death traps down there and it seems too hot though. Iโ€™d rather visit New Zealand ?โ€โ™‚๏ธ


Iโ€™ve never been to Australia but Iโ€™ve been to New Zealand and itโ€™s very beautiful!


DAa I saw the show on Amazon Prime๐Ÿ™‚ My memory has some issues๐Ÿ™‚

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