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Gentlemen, could you please give me some insight concerning unsolicited pictures of male genitalia? I've been on the very surprised & unhappy receiving end of such pictures. I'm far from a prude but to suddenly find the inclusion of a piece of male anatomy that I never said that I wanted to see, is a bit of a turn off. Any chance that a man may have had with me before that, is now gone. Why do some men assume that a woman automatically wants to see his junk? I thought he was an interesting man to chat with & then, there was a picture of his penis. That just killed it.

MermaidSuzy888 6 May 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Would you believe this is not the first time the subject has come up? If you are interested in previous comments on this site, just did a search for "dick." One of the posts has well over 100 comments.

To answer your question, I have never sent any unsolicited pictures of anything to anyone. I would say that any male who sends an unsolicited picture of his genitals is no "gentleman."


Interesting how being enamored of someone can change your whole perspective about a wrinkly bit of hairy flesh

@AMGT now if that could just work for me ( at least I don't have hair) I notice a lot of people assume I am a man in this personae

@MermaidSuzy888 no pun intended I am sure

@btroje whaaat?..

@Charlene what I said and it actually applies both ways


I wish I could tell you. I a man and as straight as they come. The only thing I can come up with is that men always want to se a woman’s genitalia and they must assume weman want the same thing. Or maybe it's a younger generation thing. I don’t know if any guys my age send dick pics or not. I didn’t like sending them even if asked for one when I was single.


I'd be more than shocked,enraged, I'd find out who and burn down his house. Did it arrive via e mail? Do you believe someone from this website?

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