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Gentlemen, could you please give me some insight concerning unsolicited pictures of male genitalia? I've been on the very surprised & unhappy receiving end of such pictures. I'm far from a prude but to suddenly find the inclusion of a piece of male anatomy that I never said that I wanted to see, is a bit of a turn off. Any chance that a man may have had with me before that, is now gone. Why do some men assume that a woman automatically wants to see his junk? I thought he was an interesting man to chat with & then, there was a picture of his penis. That just killed it.

MermaidSuzy888 6 May 28

Enjoy being online again!

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54 comments (51 - 54)

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I don't get it. I think it is insulting and demeaning to the woman. I will put up a pic of me and it will be above the sholulders.

fibus Level 2 May 30, 2018

I'd ask him how he lost his thumbnail. But that's just me.


I hate it when guys will first act so conservative and reserved on a first date, then a week later BAM! you get photos of their worm in your text message box. When guys are horndogs you expect a dick pick within hours after the first date, but some guys are rather sneaky about it.


Write back saying you saw the porn movie that it was in and most of the time it couldn't achieve proper erection or ejaculation. That you like neither soft penises nor dickheads therefore you are not interested in him? Then block him.

@MermaidSuzy888 ?In future report them.

@MermaidSuzy888 You may have deleted but it will still be in archive. I thought that you had lost the name.

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