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Herr Trump Take a Look at Sweden

sassygirl3869 9 May 29

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Ok I need a love button here!


I live in Spain. I am retired now, but 10 years ago my staff all had 3 weeks paid leave a year, a starting salary equivalent to 1500 dollars per month and all social security paid, giving them completely free access to medical care and hospitals.
This sort of stuff is pretty common in Europe.

Your a good guy...


Could be all paid for by taxes.

32,000 euro equals close to 37,000 dollars. Minimum wages around 10 dollars. Their taxes pay for all their their benefits...
Are we ... the people... ready to give up almost half their pay now for benefits? Hmmmm

@BucketlistBob I think if we care more about the society in which we live most would be willing to increase their taxes. We have one of the lowest personal tax rates among the industrialized countries and look what we get? Rich fat cats and a subsidized religious system all vying to take what few freedoms we have left!

@JackPedigo. I hear you brother. What im trying to say is that if there was a legal way of the government doing this then they would of done it.

@BucketlistBob To me the idea of our government is about We the people. Like everything else We the People need to be informed. We the People are not informed. If we can continually lower tax rates we can also do so and many past presidents have done so.

@JackPedigo. Thats true Jack. But the government is always crying they are broke. Our new governor says the last governor put us in debt. How can that be with all the new industry around us. Gambling all around us. Wheres this tax revenues going.? We the people don't have a clue!

@BucketlistBob Unfortunately, many sates give industries massive tax breaks to move into their region. People are vying like crazy for Amazon(2). Seattle just put a head tax on businesses over 100 employees and people are worried the city will implode.

@JackPedigo. It's a shame that we can't review government and kick them out . It's not your fault or mine. Its poor management in the government.

@BucketlistBob The recent Atlantic monthly had an article about "How the Presidency Became the Hardest Job in the World". [] Evolution tends toward complexity and this country with all it's 'diversity' and advancing technology, increasing population, declining resources has become very, very complex. I believe there are reasons for everything and it is too easy to point fingers and not understand why things happen as they do.

@JackPedigo. I hear what your saying Jack. There are complex situations that require executive evaluations and are handled with diplomacy. Every leadership has advisors to address situations. Those that are extreme are going to the top. The rest are filtered and appointed dignitaries address those matters. Its called delegation. Thats why Trump demanded loyalty. He appointed responsibility to those that understood his diplomacy. He doesnt do it all. Just the things that are extreme to our country and the little things the public is going to know about so they can know hes on top of it. Being the president is definitely a rough job and it takes a skilled person to maintain the position and show he's capable.

@BucketlistBob The article showed how tRump has proved the necessity of changing the system. It is seriously broken. Sometimes we have to hit bottom to climb out of a mess.


I envy you

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