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Looking back at my religious upbringing I feel like the creeds, common prayers and even the hymns were part of an indocrination into the "faith". By adding under God to the pledge of allegiance and in God we trust to the currency we've continued the religious push on the citizens. Religion is a cult and culture. Even for non believers raised in a religion it becomes their culture arheering to many illogical customs and traditions.
Are you cultural victim of religion?

KateZilla 7 May 30

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I don't see myself as a victim, even though I can certainly in theory blame Christianity or my parents if I really wanted to. But I also have to acknowledge that I had a role to play. I was willfully ignorant and super-compliant because of my need to please combined with a Jesus complex a mile wide. That in turn made me open to patriarchal notions of man-as-protector-and-leader, as well as dispenser of redemptive love that could overcome any emotional or interpersonal issue like magic. So on the one hand my expectations were wildly unrealistic; on the other hand, I wanted them to be.

I had to own up to my own role in all this first, and after all, that was the only thing I had any actual control over. I don't control Other People. Even developing and maintaining healthy interpersonal boundaries or rational, fact-based beliefs was my job, and if I had done it, no one could have imposed their ideology or thinking on me or forced me to conform. I entirely own my own mind, thoughts, and beliefs; no one can take those from me unless I let them.

So sure I see religion as a great social harm, but it's also a paper tiger.


Not really. I was "saved" in revivals 3 times as a child and early teen, but somehow it never seemed to "take" for long.


USA! Putting the cult in culture since the 1950s.

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