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Well, that explains it. Trump was anointed by God to be president. God is horrible at politics. []

schwinnrider 6 May 30

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Anyone who's read the old testament know that god was a real asshole. So it makes sense that one asshole anoints another.


A divine plan to expose the problems in this country? It's like a giant pimple coming to a head, oozing with classism, misogyny, racism, abusive tendencies, apathy, and denial. It demonstates how much we need compassion, honesty, to learn how to better relate to each one another, communcation skills, education, and respect in our society.


Chosen by voters who did not come out. Complacency voted.

and ignorance.

OH, But the voter's had nothing to do with it! The election was rigged by the Electoral College(now who are they and how much were they paid)! Also where are they now?


chosen by the public human beings with flaws haha

Rosh Level 7 May 30, 2018
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